Individual Training
Online Training Our training helps individuals feel confident and prepared under pressure in the face...
Online Training Our training helps individuals feel confident and prepared under pressure in the face...
Interactive Instruction - Courses designed for many types of Organizations. educational institutions, manufacturers, hospitals and...
Become a Certified Instructor Our program is designed for leaders who can take charge and prepare others...
Across Georgia, people are reacting to the first Bill to make Active Shooter Training in public schools a Law. The state Senate and House passed HB147 titled The Safe Schools Act and Governor Kemp is expected to sign it into Law. The new law would require schools to conduct an “intruder alert drill” once per year, but parents can opt out their kids by signing an exclusion exemption letter. An excerpt of the bill can be seen here:
“By October 1 of each school year, every public school shall conduct an intruder alert drill for students, school administrators, teachers, and other school personnel based upon guidance from the Georgia Emergency Management and Homeland Security Agency. Each local school system or public school governing body shall promptly report to the Georgia Emergency Management and Homeland Security Agency the completion of such drills. All students shall participate in intruder alert drills provided for in this paragraph; provided, however, that the governing body of a local school system or public school may provide an option for a child’s parent or legal guardian to elect, in writing, that such child not participate in intruder alert drills.”
Active Shooter Training and Easy to Follow Drill Instruction plans for all Education levels are available for Academies, Charter Schools Colleges and Universities, to City Unified School Districts. Training is always kept to Administrators, Faculty and Staff; we do not train the students. Active Shooter Training is the number 1 trending topic bugeted by Safety and Risk Management Officers and Human Resources professionals alike.
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Across the country, active shooter training is among one of the top trending topics that Human Resources professionals are weighing in on as being about as important to workplace safety as Covid-19 protocol can be for keeping employees and others alive, safe and ready to return to work. Although not mandated by current legislation, should active shooter training become a mandatory training for all businesses, or just those with over 100 employees? We are teaching active shooter drills to children in school. Click on the email sticky button that pops out to the right and drop me a line to let me know what you think.
Most of us can be in the dark when it comes to the intentions of our fellow co-workers. Who knows what they are thinking? Although we are not the first to develop effective methods of mitigating active shooter attacks, we are among the best brokerages in the country to also provide active shooter training and defensive countermeasure tactics. Providing businesses with the knowledge base to improvise, adapt, and overcome when confronted with an active shooter situation is powerful. Our methods provide real life results and prepare your employees to think fast and how to handle an active shooter or violent attack.
Nowadays active shooter situations are not uncommon. Our lessons improve chances of survival during and after an attach. Training is provided to all participants who work with or are affiliated with the entity that purchases an Active Shooter and Assailant Insurance policy. Once they enroll in one of our Active shooter training certification programs, be prepared to think fast. Individual or Corporate training is currently only available virtually online and is the preferred method train. Some organizations may prefer training to be physically on site. Contact us to see if that is a viable option for your organization. The fact is that our Active Shooter drills prove to be effective and provide lifelong skills to all those that participate. is a subsidiary of Laurence Taylor Insurance Services which is a solely Veteran owned company in Los Angeles, California. We are the leading agency provider of Active shooter insurance also offering training in Los Angeles, and throughout the foothills of Burbank, Glendale, and Pasadena U.S.A. At Active Shooter Insurance, we can consult on everything you’ll need to help your employees and company survive the unthinkable.
From basic awareness and preparedness training to advanced counter attack measures and tactical response training. We create specifically tailored programs for your business regardless of your industry. Many of our course instructors prior military and law enforcement personnel dedicated to give you the skills to ensure your personal safety and survival.
Is your organization or workplace conducting active shooter drills yet? If not, it’s the right time to work this into your overall emergency preparedness plan. News of Gun violence and Active Shooter doesn’t shock Americans as much any more. American children were scared once upon a time when they were first instructed to prepare for the Atomic bomb being dropped and how they were instructed to hide under their desk post WWII and throughout the Cold War. As a nation we adapted well to the risk. Besides Active shooter insurance, U.S. children also go may go through earthquake, hurricane, tornado and other real life or death awareness skills and training. Over the last decade, children in U.S. schools who are participating in active shooter drills have become more comfortable to the routine and regular active shooter and terrorist drills. What are your thoughts on this? Click on the email sticky button to the right and drop me a note.
You should be able to go to work, send your kids to school or take college classes yourself, enter a government building or healthcare facility, attend your place of worship, go to the movies or shopping at the mall, or see your favorite band play, without being afraid for your life.
But our society is becoming increasingly violent and less than 5% of Americans have taken any form of active shooter survival training. How prepared are you if violence suddenly forces itself into your world?
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The Options for Consideration video demonstrates possible actions that individuals can take if confronted with an active shooter scenario. This instructive video reviews the choices of running, hiding, or as an option of last resort, fighting the shooter. The video also shows how to assist authorities once law enforcement arrives.